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Enroll Your 4-Year-Old in Florida VPK


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Build Skills to Support Children's School Readiness


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The Coalition supports both families and child care providers. Child Care Resource and Referral is a free service for families and providers seeking information on quality child care, School Readiness and VPK. Families, please call us at 561-514-3300 Monday - Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 am to 12 pm. Providers, please connect with us at 561-214-8000.

The Blog

By Arielle Tuan 22 Apr, 2024
While it may only be April, summer temperatures have already arrived in South Florida! This time of year can be slightly challenging when planning activities; you have to consider protecting yourself and your children from the hot sun, staying safe while cooling off around water, and what to do indoors when those inevitable afternoon storms roll in. So, how to strike the balance between soaking up the longer days, having fun, and keeping everyone in the family happy? I don’t think the perfect answer exists, but below are some tips that can help as we move into the warmest months of the year: Outdoor Safety Tips When it’s bright outside, and the sun doesn’t set until 8pm, of course it’s great to spend time as a family outdoors! Whether you go for an afternoon walk, a weekend trip to the playground, or break out the bicycles and roller-skates, there are some things to consider when spending an extended amount of time in the sun. Always apply sunscreen and bring lots of water when spending time outdoors. The sun is hottest from 10am to 4pm, so apply and reapply sunscreen diligently- even on cloudy days. Remind your children to stay hydrated and bring plenty of extra water to refill water bottles. When riding bikes, always have your child wear their helmet, and stick to the sidewalks and low-traffic areas as much as possible. Always supervise children when at the playground and check the equipment (especially those made from metal) to make sure it’s not too hot and won’t cause any burns. Use insect repellent to protect your child from outdoor pests. Water Safety Tips My family and I love to spend time at the pool, beach, and waterparks during the summer. For children who don’t know how to swim, or are new swimmers, it is important to ensure they are always supervised by an experienced, undistracted adult and wear protective float devices, such as life vests. Here are some other tips to keep in mind: When swimming at your home or visiting somebody else’s home, make sure all pools and hot tubs have a fence around them with a self-closing, locked gate. If there is no fence, make sure pools and hot tubs are securely covered when not in use. Look into scheduling swim lessons for children starting when they’re at least 1 year old. For Palm Beach County residents, the Drowning Prevention Coalition offers free or reduced swim programs for eligible families. Check out the requirements here: https://discover.pbcgov.org/drowningprevention/Pages/default.aspx . You can also check with your local recreation center for free or reduced rate lessons. Teach your children to walk around or near the pool. If there is bad weather and lightning in the area, have everyone exit the water immediately. When visiting beaches and lakes, try to find an area with lifeguards on duty. Make sure to follow any safety signs, such as not swimming where there could be dangerous wildlife, or being aware of rip currents, large waves, and other hazards. Indoor Play Ideas Every Florida summer, like clockwork, comes an afternoon downpour. Even if they don’t last long, it’s best to avoid the weather by playing inside. Movies, tablets, and online games can entertain kids during these times, but if you want to try something that doesn’t involve a screen, here are some indoor play ideas: Read together as a family or take shelter in a library. Break out toys that haven’t been played with in a while, or toys that require concentration and creativity such as puzzles, Legos, and arts and crafts. Have an indoor dance party with music, bubbles, glowsticks, and whatever else you can find- anything to burn off energy! When you can’t visit the pool or beach, fill up the bathtub! Under your supervision, have kids play with their water toys in the bath. Turn off the lights and break out glow-in-the-dark toys to create a fun, relaxing atmosphere. For more safety tips you can follow all year long, visit https://www.safekids.org/ , and keep an eye on our socials, blog, and Family Resources webpage for more summer safety information!
By Arielle Tuan 19 Apr, 2024
If you are the parent or caregiver for a young child in Florida, chances are you’ve heard of the Florida Prepaid College Plan. You may have seen posts about it on social media or heard about it from friends and family and may have thought - I’m not ready to think about college yet! Planning is always a good idea, and if you want to start preparing for your child’s future education, there is no better time than during Florida Prepaid’s open enrollment season. Open enrollment lasts from February 1 st to April 30 th - for 2024, plans start at $34 a month, and there is no application fee. New pricing is announced at the start of each annual open enrollment period. Interested in learning more? Check out some quick facts below! What Does the Plan Cover? A Florida Prepaid College Plan allows families to lock in college prices and prepay on a monthly or lump-sum basis. This covers the future cost of college tuition, tuition differential fees, local fees, and an optional fee for dormitory housing. Plans may be used during any academic semester, including summer terms, beginning in the summer of the student’s projected college enrollment year (generally, the year they are expected to graduate high school). If your child graduates from high school early, plans can be modified for early usage. What Schools is the Plan Eligible For? When your child is ready for college, the costs will be covered under your plan type at any Florida College or State University, even if the cost of college is higher than anticipated when your original plan prices were set. What if My Child Attends School Out-of-State or Receives a Scholarship? While Florida Prepaid Plans are designed to be used at a Florida College or State University, the plans can also be applied at other schools nationwide. If your student wishes to attend an out-of-state college or private college, the plan will pay the same amount as it would pay at a public college or university in Florida. If your child receives a scholarship, you can use that together with the prepaid plan to cover even more college expenses; or, you can get a refund for the same amount as the plan would pay at a public college or university in Florida. Every Prepaid Plan is guaranteed by the State of Florida to pay the tuition and fees covered by your plan, so you never have to worry about losing what you paid. Enrolling is easy- visit https://www.myfloridaprepaid.com/ to complete an application! Your student has 10 years from their projected college enrollment date to use the plan. For example, I purchased a plan for my own child when he was a newborn. That means the costs covered by Florida Prepaid are locked in until he is 28 (18 years until he can start college, plus 10 years after that to finish college).  More information and an extensive FAQ section can be found over at https://www.myfloridaprepaid.com . Family resources, upcoming events, and trainings can also be found on our website.
By Arielle Tuan 25 Mar, 2024
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and as a parent, it is always helpful to be aware of the milestones to expect as your child grows. Parents and caregivers often have questions about their child’s development and milestones. Each child does develop at their own pace. However, if you do have concerns, there are developmental screening resources, as well as supports for children and their families who need them. Developmental Milestones by Age Developmental milestones are skills or actions that most children can do by a certain age. Milestones show how your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a free Milestone Tracker app that parents can download to easily keep track of their child’s development from 2 months to 5 years: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones-app.html . Resources for Learning More About Your Child’s Development You know your child best. If you are concerned that your child may not be meeting certain milestones, or have questions about the way your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, or moves, don’t wait. Here are some things you can do: Share your concerns with your child’s pediatrician. The Inclusion Warm line service is available to any parent and early care and education provider who requests information related to disabilities and special needs of children birth to five years old. Call 1-88-620-9190 or visit https://www.elcpalmbeach.org/inclusion ; our Early Intervention and Inclusion Services Department will provide information and resources to all who reach out. Visit www.cdc.gov/actearly or call 1-800-CDC-INFO for a free Learn the Signs, Act Early parent kit, and to get additional resources in your area. What to Ask Your Child’s Doctor When you schedule the appointment, tell the staff that you have concerns about your child’s development that you would like to discuss with the doctor. Write down your questions and concerns and take them with you to the appointment. Before you leave the appointment, make sure you understand what the doctor tells you and what to do next. If you do not understand something, ask the doctor to explain it again. Remember, developmental milestones account for an expected range of skills and shouldn’t be viewed as exact deadlines. However, if you have any concerns at all, there is no harm in setting up an appointment with your child’s doctor or visiting us at https://www.elcpalmbeach.org/inclusion for more resources.  Acting early can improve your child’s academic and social success. Also, having peace of mind by knowing you are prepared to support your child will do wonders for their developmental health!
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“It is excellent because it provides our children with the necessary knowledge to enter kindergarten ready. My children have learned a lot and have provided me with support tools for the home so that the work is carried out as a team.”

Yajaira Lora,

Parent (on VPK)

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